
Saturday, July 01, 2017

Leo White

Leo White

Years ago
I worked in a
food stamp office
in North Omaha.
Determining eligibility for
NPA- or non public assistance-
food stamps was my job.
People would fill out
their applications,
report their income,
family size and all
that relevant info and
I would sign them up.
I remember one fellow
in particular -- Mr. Leo White.
He wanted to see me – no one else.
“I want Don Cassiday,”
he would say when he
came to the office.
He was a black guy, maybe
60 or so, but looked much older
with his white hair
and lack of teeth.
His skin was shiny and dark,
like polished ebony.
This was 30 years ago.
I liked him. He would come
in every 3 months and I would
sign him up again for his
$70 per month in food stamps
that he was eligible for.
I tried to find him a place to live
in Omaha public housing,
but he found a friend to
live with. He drank
too much and that
eventually killed him.
I donated a suit for him
to wear in his casket.
Several people from our office
went to his funeral: Lois Louis,
Essie Jefferson, maybe
Ed Hubbard, and a couple others.
Later, I attended
Lois’s funeral.
It’s strange that I
am remembering this


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