
Friday, February 03, 2017

J. Lord Dampnut

I can never remember if it's six more weeks of winter or not when the groundhog sees or does not see its shadow. * * * * * * * * * * * I woke up in the morning on Tuesday and unpresident J. Lord Dampnut had threatened to invade Mexico, fight a war with China, and had insulted Austrailia * * * * * * * * The only good news reported last week was that an anagram for Donald J. Trump is J. Lord Dampnut. That lets me never say his name again. * * * * * * * * * * * The unpresident, J. Lord Dampnut, it appears, conspired with the FBI and Russia to steal the election and has appointed apocalpytic neo-nazis in the White House trying to provoke an attack on Americans in order to start a "final solution" world war with all of Islam . Even so, it's still a bad idea to appoint a Secretary of Education who plagiarized her testimony and wants to dismantle public schools. Even, it's still a bad idea to appoint a Secretary of Labor who cheated his workers and opposes unions and a federal minimum wage. * * * * ** * * * * In other news this week, J. Lord Dampnut turned of the tape recorder in the oval office, had a secret conversation with Russian President Putin, didn't say a word when Putin started lobbing bombs on Ukraine, and lifted sanctions for certain electronic spy stuff for the Russian Spy Agency. America can now sell spy stuff to the new Russian KGB. This might have been a big thank-you to Putin, who apparently had the former Russian agent who let British Intelligence know about the sex tapes of Dampnut watching Russian prostitutes wee-wee on each other killed. * * * * * * * * * * * J. Lord Dampnut started his address to the National Prayer Breakfast with a brag about his TV ratings on The Apprentice. And said Frederick Douglass was having a great year at an event celebrating Black History Month. Dampnut may have thought Douglass was a new rap star. * * * * * * * * * * J. Lord Dampnut overturned a regulation which prohibited the dumping of coal mining waste into local streams in coal country. If there's anything that will boost the economy of those areas, it's polluted water. * * * * * * * * *He made it easier for severely mentally ill recipients of Social Security Disability payments to purchase military style assault weapons. We'll see how that plays out when he tries to cut their disability payments. * * * * * * * * * * In regard to public television and radio budgets, pundits have pointed out that providing security for Melania Trump in New York costs twice as much as the total funding for NPR and PBS. * * * * * * * * * Remember all those times unpresident J. Lord Dampnut said those low unemployment percentages during President Obama's last years in office were fake and undercounted? The December numbers came out t and were good. 4.8% unemployment and 227,000 new jobs. Now J. Lord Dampnut likes them........and claims responsibility........And finally, I am reprinting in its entirety all the remarks from J. Lord Dampnut this week regarding the Canadian Trump supporter who murdered six worshipers at a Canadian mosque:


Blogger Greg Kosmicki said...

He's bound to put comedians out of business. Who could keep up? Or be as crazy. You can't make this stuff up, literally. My names: Donald Pimp, Kellyann Convict (I've also heard Cockroach) Prince Rebus, Sean Stalker or Stinker, and the inspired, gift from the cosomos, Steve Banning. Keep 'em coming Bud!

9:32 PM  

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