
Thursday, November 19, 2015

We'll Always Have Paris

Attacks like those in Paris bring out the worst in America's already debased political discourse. Most Republicans are trying to walk a carefully calibrated line of blaming President Obama for the attacks in Paris, calling for indiscriminate bombing of somebody w/o mercy, putting in 50,000 troops, and leveling cities mostly leveled already, all the while not offering one single constructive idea that might actually help. People who demand religious freedom for themselves are calling for the closing of mosques. And regarding the Syrian refugee crisis, it's too bad the Bible doesn't have an illustrative story about a middle eastern family looking for a shelter and being turned away. * * * * * * * * * On the other hand, ISIS's wish for the apocalypse may just a month's span, ISIS has blown a Russian civilian airliner out of the sky over Egypt, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the French, probably others, and is now threatening Washington DC. The US has already launched over 6500 attacks on ISIS. Neither Russia or Hezbollah are known for their caution about killing innocent bystanders in regards to blowing sh** up. I see no good ending to any of this - only a bad one, if, in fact, it ever ends. * * * * * * * Democratic and Republican candidates for President responded as you might expect: Hillary Clinton spoke this morning before the Foreign Policy Council and gave a thoughtful, comprehensive, detailed, realistic, and global response to the attacks in France and how to combat ISIS. From technological issues of encryption to building alliances with other countries, her breadth and depth of experience was evident. Several Republican candidates responded: Donald Trump said, "We need to blow the sh** out of somebody. Doesn't really matter who. It'll be tremendous." Ben Carson mumbled something about Egypt's pyramids, aliens from outer space, and rabid dogs (true), Chris Christie said he wouldn't even take 5 year old orphans, Marco Rubio skipped out on a classified national security briefing to go to a fundraiser, and Ted Cruz threatened to punch Barack Obama in the face. * * * * * * * *
In response to the Syrian refugee crisis which appears to be quite unrelated to the Paris attacks, Republican governors are saying they will refuse to relocate any Syrian refugees. Donald Trump today called for the removal of the Statue of Liberty. "All that 'give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses' b.s. gives people the wrong message," he said. "We'll build a new Trump Casino there," he said. "It'll be tremendous." * * * * * * * The 'Absurdity of the Week Award, however, so far goes to that pro-gun Texas state representative who opposed allowing any Syrian refugees in his state because it's way too easy to get a gun there........ reminds me of the man found guilty of killing his parents who then begged for mercy on the grounds that he was now an orphan. The man from Texas has a bit of a point there because while it takes 12 - 18 months to acquire refugee status, it only takes 30 minutes to buy an assault weapon at a gun show................. I'm just saying.............


Blogger Dan Batson said...

again Bud, a superb analysis of the current mess in American 'reactionary/right-wing' rhetoric/discourse + policy. 'Feelthwbern' and Democratic Socialism sounds better and better every day. Oh what I'd give to see Bernie debate/destroy any current Republican presidential 'wannabe' ... lmao!!

11:20 AM  
Blogger Mary Campbell said...

Maybe the best thing we can do right now is to attract potential recruits away from Isis. Not sure how, but desecrating mosques is probably not step 1.

7:46 AM  

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