That Americans support more military action in Iraq and Syria against ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State than can find either of them on a map isn't unusual, but it is disturbing. Not even entirely out of Iraq, we are drawn back like an outdoor gnat to a light bulb. Apparently, all the US intelligence agencies have concluded that ISIS is not a threat to the US homeland, but with the ongoing PTSD of 9-11, the killing of two journalists covering a nasty, brutal, vengeful civil war in Syria is like the Twin Towers coming down and America must do something. Americans have clearly stated their desire for a war against ISIS which is clean, surgical, remote, requires no US troops, will result in no US casualties, and will have no unintended consequences..........good luck with that.........and President Obama seems willing to oblige. President Obama will try to enlist the help of Syrian moderate rebels (moderate rebel is an oxymoron, by the way). And it's weird how quiet are the Republicans in Congress who went ballistic when President Obama gave people a few more days to sign up for health insurance a year ago later voted to sue if not impeach the President; but now when Obama may very well drop bombs in Syria to go after ISIS, Congress has gone strangely silent and doesn't even want to vote on it...... Where did all those Constitution brandishers claiming executive branch over-reach go, anyway? And of the whole enterprise -- what could possibly go wrong? * * * * * * * On Ray Rice punching his wife into unconsciousness in an elevator in Atlantic City: the National Football League has announced its new policy -- if you are caught on a video that goes viral beating your wife/girlfriend into unconsciousness, we will suspend you for several games. The NFL will be publishing a new handbook for the spouses of NFL players. It will be titled, "Hey, You Married Him." The foreward to the book will be written by Fox News' #1 idiot, Brian Kilmeade, who remarked when discussing the issue: "Next time, take the stairs." Other notables have weighed in as well. The National Rifle Association announced a new Guns for NFL Wives program. "Does anyone doubt that had Ray Rice's wife had a handgun, the outcome would have been different?" asked chief gun lobbyist Wayne LaPierre. "Not for one minute." And not to be left on the sidelines of the controversy, the National Republican Party today called for lower taxes for NFL super-star multi-millionaires. "If ever there was an example of the need for tax cuts for millionaires, Ray Rice is it," said Reince Preibus, Republican National Chairman. "A 39.6% top income tax rate clearly led to this tragedy. Our hearts go out to him in his time of need." Sarah Palin, sporting a black eye and possibly hungover, also said something on her weird cable channel, but no one could understand what it was.