Republican Wife Wars
Republican candidates declared war on each others' wives this week in a sorry spectacle of smallness despite Donald Trump's claim of penile tremendousness. After a Cruz superpac ran a scantily clad photo of Mrs. Trump, Donald Trump countered by running an unflattering photo of Mrs. Cruz. Ted Cruz responded and called Trump a "sniveling coward" but avoided saying that he would not support Trump if Trump were nominated. I really hate to be fair to Ted Cruz, but he says it wasn't his campaign that published the photo of Mrs. Trump. Glenn Beck later weighed in calling Mrs. Trump a lesbian porn star. Such is the level of the debate on the Republican side. A strong contender for dumbest thing said this week by Donald Trump: Mr. Trump said he was the person he listens to most on foreign policy. “I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things.” A google search on "narcissist personality disorder" is illuminating, btw. * * * * * * * * An attack in Brussels led Donald Trump to muse that he just might nuke ISIS which could prove difficult in that ISIS groups are about as amorphous as fog. * * * * * * * * Ted Cruz says America should "patrol and secure" American Muslim neighborhoods. Hard to tell exactly what he means by that, but it is likely impossible, unconstitutional, terrifying, counterproductive, immoral, and stupid. It is frightening how tenous Cruz' connection to constitutional government appears to be. Donald Trump may claim the largest wanger, but Ted Cruz is in the lead for being the biggest asshole. * * * * * * * * Terror attacks in foreign countries make Americans say crazy stuff: Michelle Bachmann said God allowed the attack in Brussels in order to embarrass President Obama in Cuba. The twisted theology of that informs many on the Republican self-righteous religious wing of crazy land. Speaking of self-righteous crazy land, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signed a bill which prevents any North Carolina city or government subdivision from protecting the rights of LBTQs. Meanwhile, self-righteous religious crazy land family values Governor Bentley of Alabama confessed to a weird sex scandal which led to the dissolution of his 50 year marriage and charges of a coverup. * * * * * * * * Sarah Palin has apparently landed a future gig as a television "reality" show as Judge Sarah prompting Donald Trump to say he'd consider her as a future US Supreme Court appointment. "She look hot in those robes," Trump said. One of my very conservative cousins messaged me that he at first believed this remark on my facebook page. When the line between absurdity and reality is so tenuous, we are all in trouble. * * * * * * * * * I ran across a great line from Oscar Wilde: "If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you." Not sure how relevant that is in my life, but I like the quote. * * * * * * * * * In Nebraska news, we had a Winter Weather Advisory, a Blizzard Warning, and a Tornado Watch at the same time this week. And in other Nebraska news, a new Nebraska license plate was revealed to immediate and widespread criticism as being too plain and boring (and even sexually suggestive). So I am submitting the picture at the top of this blog instead. * * * * * * * * Have a great Easter.