
Monday, December 30, 2013

Ted Cruz

Senator Ted Cruz in Jan. 2013 - We need to shut down the government to force the repeal of Obamacare. Ted Cruz in Feb.. 2013 - We need to shut down the government to force the repeal of Obamacare. Ted Cruz in Mar. 2013 - We need to shut down the government to force the repeal of Obamacare. Ted Cruz in Apr. 2013 - We need to shut down the government to force the repeal of Obamacare. Ted Cruz in May 2013 - We need to shut down the government to force the repeal of Obamacare. Ted Cruz in June 2013 - We need to shut down the government to force the repeal of Obamacare. Ted Cruz in July 2013 - We need to shut down the government to force the repeal of Obamacare. Ted Cruz in Aug. 2013 - We need to shut down the government to force the repeal of Obamacare. Ted Cruz in Sept.. 2013 - We need to shut down the government to force the repeal of Obamacare. Ted Cruz in Oct. 2013 - We need to shut down the government to force the repeal of Obamacare. Ted Cruz in Nov. 2013 - Well, I never said it would work. Ted Cruz in Dec. 2013 - I had nothing to do with shutting down the government. It was Obama's fault.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Thoughts on the Week before Christmas

A & E cable network is considering a new reality TV show to replace Duck Dynasty: the working title is "Ignorant rednecks shoot guns, blow sh** up, and say stupid bigoted stuff." An A & E spokesperson said it'd be a lot like Duck, but not as sophisticated. "We think there is a broad appeal for really dumb shows like this in America. The dumber, the better. And obviously, when we think really really dumb, we think Sarah Palin. She'd be perfect." And the way a lot of right wingers are talking, it appears I must have a constitutional right to have a reality TV series! I can't wait to get started! Possible titles for my new reality show include: Bud, Bud Leroy Brown, or Bud Moon Rising, or Bud, Bud, Bud to the Bone. We'll see. ............................................................................................. The Iowa Secretary of State has issued the findings of a several months long $150,000 investigation of voter fraud: 5 cases. That's $30,000 spent for each case of voter fraud found. And one of those was self-reported. So it was really only 4. A couple of months ago a North Carolina Republican claimed that his state passed all those restrictions on future voting was because they experienced massive numbers of "undetected voter fraud." I'm quite sure they won't be detecting nearly as many cases now ................................ The Dallas Cowboys lost to Green Bay Packers 37-36. Tony Romo blamed Obamacare. And speaking of Obamacare -- I finally got signed up and found a decent policy and will save a lot of $$ on my monthly premium. Kim Jong Un has finally gone public regarding the reason for the execution of his uncle in North Korea: "Obamacare." ............................... I've been continuing my nightly vigils on the deck outside and haven't missed a day since September (well, one). Mac the dog usually joins me and settles into the snow or onto the deck for a quiet sit for the half hour or so I'm out there. Sometimes I notice the stars, Orion is prominent right now, other times the moon, or Jupiter which is visible, or the winter clouds, or the street lights on the remaining yellow leaves on the neighbor's tree. Oak or ash I think. It is turning colder again. But the house always seems warmer when I come in than when I go out. I like that part. ............. ............ George Zimmerman commented today on the Megyn Kelly Fox News controversy on whether Santa Claus can be black: "Any black Santas better stay the f*** off my roof if they want to see New Year's." ................... So have a Merry Christmas! Regards, Bud C

Sunday, December 15, 2013

NRA issues special commorative edition Newtown Sandy Hook School AR-15 assault rifle with 26 round capacity magazine

The National Rifle Association this last week announced that it would be sponsoring a special NRA Newtown Limited Edition AR-15 assault rifle with a 26 round capacity magazine. "What better way to memorialize the deaths of those 26 innocent people in Sandy Hook school?" asked chief gun industry lobbyist Wayne LaPierre. "This will be a limited edition of only 26,000,000 manufactured, and we expect them to sell out quickly. I should add that for every $1,000 of profit from this run, we will donate ten cents for local mental health programs." ************************************************** Kim Jong Un has finally gone public regarding the reason for the execution of his uncle in North Korea: "Obamacare." ***************************************************************** Breaking News on my Obamacare approval: today I received a notice that I am to report next Monday at 10 am for the mandatory implantation of the microchip in my brain. My friend Tom informed me today in church that he has been appointed to the Nebraska Obamacare Death Panel. That's just great. The only part of Obamacare that Nebraskia Governor Heineman is going along with is the Death Panel. ************************************************************* Meanwhile, the white Santa controversy generated by Fox News Megyn Kelly, keeps on churning. Be advised black Santas: if George Zimmerman is on your delivery route come Christmas Eve, I think I'd pass if I were you. George Zimmerman commented on the Megyn Kelly Fox News controversy on whether Santa Claus can be black: "Any black Santas better stay the f*** off my roof if they want to see New Year's."

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

John Boehner is One Millionth Obamacare Customer!

Breaking News: The White House announced today that House Republican Speaker John Boehner was the one millionth person to sign up for Obamacare. "Are you kidding me?" Boehner said. "What were the odds of that? I've never won anything in my whole f****** life. Why couldn't it be Publishers Clearing House or Reader's Digest?" he wondered after being notified he had won the Obamacare One Millionth Person to Sign Up prize. "What did I win? I hope it's something good. It had better not be a free trip to Washington D.C. I'm sick of this f****** place." The he mused, "First, the Tea Party, then Obama wins reelection in a modern day landslide, then we did 45 or 46 votes to repeal Obamcare all for nothing, then the Government shutdown, and Obamacare is still here, and then I successfully signed up and I'll be damned if I didn't even save some money, and now this. It's been a difficult year." Tears began to well up in his eyes. "I'm ready to go home for Christmas." A very awkward award ceremony is being planned for later today as of this writing. Republican Daryl Issa, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, is demanding an investigation. "It's hard to believe a million people have signed up after all the roadblocks we put in the way. We've sabotaged this at every opportunity, set up phony websites, blocked everything we could, spread rumors and lies, and John Boehner is the millionth customer? Something just isn't right here." I finally called the help line again and a very helpful fellow overrode the computer errors which had blocked my application for the health insurance marketplace and I was able to sign up for a BlueCross/BlueShield plan starting Jan. 1 at a substantial savings! Yay, Obamacare!

Saturday, December 07, 2013

What's English for "enchilada"?

The same Republicans who worry that people might be prevented from saying Merry Christmas to each other want to deny extended unemployment benefits to millions of unemployed workers. By the way, these are the same people who think the Pope doesn't understand Christianity. Happy Holidays, er, I mean, Merry Christmas!............... President Obama continued the War on Christmas as he invited Jewish leaders and representatives from Israel to two White House receptions yesterday celebrating the end of Hanukkah....... The President continued to insult Republicans everywhere when he was heard to say over an open mic that he hoped everyone has a happy holiday and safe trip home........................................... In Texas, a local school now prohibits the speaking of Spanish; I wonder how the kids order an enchilada or a burrito in the school cafeteria......... What's English for "enchilada"? ...................................................... It's been a bad week for Republicans: The Obamacare website is now working, the Republican National Committee sent out a Rosa Parks tweet celebrating the end of racism, and Rush Limbaugh called the Pope a Marxist. All three developments will have ramifications. They also dispatched Kentucky Senator Rand Paul to Detroit to establish a minority outreach office for Republicans. I'm still trying to process the possible thinking on this. He seems so - white - and he believes that white business owners have the right to not serve black people....... The unemployment rate dropped to 7% this last month; outraged Republicans vow to fight........................................................ Breaking News: NU Athletic Director Shawn Eichorst announced today that Bo Pelini's new contract will include a provision for two weeks at the Emily Post Etiquette Institute in Burlington, VT. "If we can just get him to lift his pinkie when sipping tea all should be well," Shawn sighed. In addition, Eichorst is considering adding a new coaching position: Bo Pelini's sideline/press conference personal behavior management aide. This could be the world's most dangerous job. ................................................... Amazon announced it is developing small "octocopter" drones to deliver packages within half an hour. UPS and FEDEX are considering using artillery shell delivery systems that can shoot packages as heavy as a Volkswagen Beetle up to 25 miles. "We're still working out the details," a spokesperson said, "but we think we can have packages come crashing into your front yards within 20 minutes." ............................................................ More strange things about my family: more than one of my siblings and in-laws will pour milk (or even apple juice) on cereal and then walk away to do God knows what. Five minutes later, they'll sit down and eat the cereal. That's just crazy. For me, you have about three seconds to take the first spoonful after pouring the milk and about 45 seconds to eat the whole bowl. Any longer than that and you might as well let the dog lick it up. And then they'll leave the milk out on the table for 45 minutes while they sit around and chat and check their fb pages and email. They mock me for wanting to put the milk away. I am so unappreciated..................................................... Walmart claims its Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday and holiday sales so far have been a great success in that no one has been killed.