A & E cable network is considering a new reality TV show to replace Duck Dynasty: the working title is "Ignorant rednecks shoot guns, blow sh** up, and say stupid bigoted stuff." An A & E spokesperson said it'd be a lot like Duck, but not as sophisticated. "We think there is a broad appeal for really dumb shows like this in America. The dumber, the better. And obviously, when we think really really dumb, we think Sarah Palin. She'd be perfect." And the way a lot of right wingers are talking, it appears I must have a constitutional right to have a reality TV series! I can't wait to get started! Possible titles for my new reality show include: Bud, Bud Leroy Brown, or Bud Moon Rising, or Bud, Bud, Bud to the Bone. We'll see. ............................................................................................. The Iowa Secretary of State has issued the findings of a several months long $150,000 investigation of voter fraud: 5 cases. That's $30,000 spent for each case of voter fraud found. And one of those was self-reported. So it was really only 4. A couple of months ago a North Carolina Republican claimed that his state passed all those restrictions on future voting was because they experienced massive numbers of "undetected voter fraud." I'm quite sure they won't be detecting nearly as many cases now ................................
The Dallas Cowboys lost to Green Bay Packers 37-36. Tony Romo blamed Obamacare. And speaking of Obamacare -- I finally got signed up and found a decent policy and will save a lot of $$ on my monthly premium. Kim Jong Un has finally gone public regarding the reason for the execution of his uncle in North Korea: "Obamacare." ...............................
I've been continuing my nightly vigils on the deck outside and haven't missed a day since September (well, one). Mac the dog usually joins me and settles into the snow or onto the deck for a quiet sit for the half hour or so I'm out there. Sometimes I notice the stars, Orion is prominent right now, other times the moon, or Jupiter which is visible, or the winter clouds, or the street lights on the remaining yellow leaves on the neighbor's tree. Oak or ash I think. It is turning colder again. But the house always seems warmer when I come in than when I go out. I like that part. ............. ............
George Zimmerman commented today on the Megyn Kelly Fox News controversy on whether Santa Claus can be black: "Any black Santas better stay the f*** off my roof if they want to see New Year's." ...................
So have a Merry Christmas!
Regards, Bud C