You can't make this stuff up - It seems like most Texans are nuts
Ted Cruz from Texas is now running for President. Dear Ted Cruz - you know, don't you, that most people think you are a dangerous kook? Sincerely, Bud Cassiday Last week I said Ted Cruz was a wacko, said wacko things, and hung around wacko people. I just read an article, not satire, that pointed out the guy in New Hampshire who organized Cruz' first speech there recently warned the United nations was invading New Hampshire, the US Military would be invading the southwest in July, and that a fleet of UFOs was seen over California. Um, that sounds about what I thought would be the case. And Ted Cruz' father Preaches that His Son Is An “Anointed King” Who Will Bring The “End Time Transfer Of Wealth." Just wait until the Tea Partiers find out he was born in Canada of a foreign citizen father. * * * * * * * * * Louie Gohmert, also from Texas said he thought about running for President but thought he couldn't win because he is bald. Dear Mr. Gohmert - personally, I think it's more likely that you couldn't be elected President because you are totally f****** bonkers. Sincerely, Bud Cassiday * * * * * * * * On another topic, it's a miracle! Billions of $$$ in subsidies to the largest Oil Companies in America survived Trillions of $$$ in budget cuts passed by the US Senate! And Billionaires did pretty well with tax breaks. Hallelujah! On the other hand, children, the elderly, the poor, the middle class, people working full time jobs for minimum wage, students, the environment, the air, our water, our infrastructure, schools, day care programs, the hungry, the sick, the disabled, minorities, people with mental illness, college students, high school students, elementary public schools, public colleges, public universities, medical research, climate research,environmental research, research about everything, our roads, our sewers, our public and national parks, our rivers, our lakes, our forests, our natural resources, the Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Yellowstone, our public lands, our airports, our railroads, and 99.9% of everyone, didn't do so well. 8 * * * * * * ** Although I never liked him at all, I think I liked Rand Paul better when he was a phony semi-principled libertarian isolationist instead of a phony neocon interventionist. "Hey, let's form a new country in Afghanistan and have a war with Iran. Yahoo!" * *** * * * * * Republican Representative Pete Sessions from Texas said last week that Obamacare costs about $5 million per year per person. Turns out he off by about $5 million per person per year. The actual figure is closer to $4600 per person per year. He is only off by a factor of a thousand. Isn't is strange that so many people from Texas are so wrong so much of the time?