On the Eve of Christmas Eve
For this Eve of Christmas Eve I painted this nativity scene. Christmas is about the possibilities of the future, hope for the future, the promise of the future. And even in these darkest days of the year, there is always hope. * * * * * * * * * * * * We, as a nation,however, are replacing class with crass, measured with impulsive, thinking with reacting, kindness with mean-spirited, intellect with libido, confidence with arrogance, vision with revenge, wisdom with ignorance and bluster, grace with boorish, hope with fear, caution with recklessness, humility with vanity, science with ideology, and care for others and our planet with greed. And for God's sake, will somebody please hide the nukes from Trump. * * * * * * * * * For the upcoming Presidential inauguration celebrations, it's my understanding that Trump has now secured a local high school kid to do card tricks, an Elvis impersonator, and a baton twirler from Boise. "It'll be tremendous," Trump said. "We are close to signing an awesome ventriloquist who can ride a unicycle." * * * * * * * * * My birthday was the other day and I got a happy birthday message from creditkarma on my facebook page. There's just something about that. And thank you all for the 211 facebook reminders of the inexorable march of time on my personal journey to eternity. * * * * * * * * * * There is good news though: Donald Trump wants to initiate a new arms race. That will be really good for nuke manufacturers. And Donald Trump tweeted that on Jan. 21, 2017 he would lift the ban on importing Russian made automobiles.......Donald Trump announced that vodka will become the official National Alcoholic Beverage on the day he is sworn in. "За здоровье!" he said. And remember that ad about the phone call to the White House at 3 am. Well, at least we know Donald Trump will be awake tweet-storming about something or someone. Trump accused China of an "unpresidented" act in an early morning tweet recently. By the time he tweeted about the Chinese seizure of a US Navy underwater research drone, China had already agreed to return it. But on his use of "unpresidented" I had gotten so used to a President who could spell. I'm thinking "unpresidented" will pretty much describe everything he does and says. Among his other promises are to fast track global warming, get rid of clean air and water and safe food. Eliminate all ethics rules in government. Sell the national parks to oil companies. Declare war on Iran. And make Russia great again. Remember when we thought the Mayan Dec. 21, 2012 end-of-the-world apocalypse was what we had to worry about? Ahhhh, the good old days. * * * * * * * * * * And just when I think things can't get any worse in 2016, an explosion at a nitrous oxide holding tank facility in Florida is causing a shortage of this propellant used in canned whipped cream - the perfect way to end the year. Just great. Just f****** great.* * * * * * * * * ** ps. To all of you who have an Art by Cassiday 2016 wall calendar, I am obligated to inform you that your one year guaranteed accuracy warranty is about to expire. However, lucky for you, I have a few extra 2017 Art by Cassiday wall calendars which would extend your warranty to the end of 2017. Contact me here for a replacement. You are running out of time.............